Phoenix World School

UDISE NO: 27250508641


The PTA is a parent representative group that is instrumental in guiding and encouraging the school with the views and concerns of the larger parent body. It serves as a link between the school and parents with the aim of making Phoenix a progressive and forward thinking school.

The group consists of one member from each grade across the school. All parents are welcome to volunteer and the representatives are selected by conducting elections. Normally the members hold term for one academic year. Meetings of the parent representatives and the Principal are held twice in a term during which suggestions received are addressed.

The meetings are lively and conversations are animated as matters are discussed and a solutions sought to resolve issues. There is a constant effort to ensure that the PTA meetings do not become complaints forum and parent members are encourages to help strategically plan ahead and improve process and practices with the school. Behind every decision is ‘…what is best for the children’

After every meeting , the minutes of the meeting are circulated to all parents . The admin work along with the teachers concerned to ensure effective follow up.


Parent- Teacher Engagement

Believing implicitly that parents and teachers are partners in the educational process, we endeavor to keep the communication link open at all times and invite parents to interact with the school in the following ways :

  •  Using student diary as a communication link
  •  Orientations/Info-Pack sessions for all parents at the beginning of the academic year
  •  Regular Parent –Teacher Meetings which provide a platform for a better understanding of the child
  •  Attending school functions
  •  Meeting the Principal/Vice Principal for discussions whenever necessary
  •  Responding to circulars
  • Emphasis on attendance/leave notes
  • Establishing and following a study routine